- Giant Garden Greetings creates unique “yard card” sign displays to fit the occasion of your special celebration. "Wow" your honored guest with a large, personalized display on the LRSH lawn. We do all the design/setup before your event and take down/pick up after. Yard card rentals at LRSH are discounted 10% off regular rates - plus an additional 10% is donated to LRSH for historic preservation. Call 856-610-1077 or request a reservation at www.giantgardengreetings.com.
Catering & Party Partners
Linda Burns Catering
Linda Burns
856-853-8695 or 609-617-7529
email: [email protected]
website: www.lindaburnscatering.com
Prepaired NJ
Jim Kelly
(610) 324-7895
website: http://www.prepairednj.com
Candlelight Creations - Balloon artistry
Owner Laurie Barber